Well hi!

🤘(un)supervised learning covers a range of topics in the tech industry, with a focus on open-source communities, local AI advancements, and promoting transparency within tech.

Key principles of (un)supervised learning

  • Curiosity

  • Mapping out new frontiers/edge computing (in accessible language/whiteboard sessions)

  • Context,context, context

  • Opensource - all the way (building a community in public, learning about brand new infra- asking the dumb but hard questions)

  • No gatekeeping

Who writes (un)supervised learning?

Co-host, asking the questions that get to the heart of things.

Madisen Taylor Conversation master, making sure everything's clear and insightful.

Guest host, sharing expert knowledge and making complex topics easy.

Our robotics and AI writer, documenting his learning journey in public.

(un)supervised learning is sponsored by the core team at 👋Jan,(an entirely open-source, offline local AI software).

Why read(un)supervised learning?

As it stands- knowledge and awareness around the capabilities of opensource tech is at a minimum for the everyday person.

Lowering the barrier to entry through clear communication, peer-to-peer knowledge sharing and “explain it like I’m five” is the aim of the game.

Covering a range of topics from the technical nitty-gritty to broader discussions on AI's impact on society.

Medium, Github, Kofi, Linkedin,Join Slack

Join Us?

Email pod (@) unsupervisedlearning dot co for suggestions on guests/topics

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Connecting the dots in AI and Opensource with stories, podcasts and opinion pieces. - enjoyed by readers @ HuggingFace, Microsoft, Google and...you?


Written by a non-tech native, (un)supervised learning brings an outsider perspective to trends in Opensource + transparency in tech.